
biography information personality lines & ooc
01. biography

1986 - 1992 christine fulbright was smitten with jack moresco from the moment she laid eyes on him. he was handsome and dark, tanned the way she always imagined the people of california to be. she had moved to the west coast with a dream in her head of what life could be, and she and a girlfriend were making an okay living for themselves in pasadena in their tiny apartment, waitressing nearby. jack was her favorite customer, he always ordered the same sandwich and left her the biggest tip. like a gentleman, he got to know her at work before taking her on a date, where he paid for everything and expected nothing at the end of the night. she was so smitten by him that they were living together and married in under a year, and she was pregnant by early '87.

the home that baby jonathan was born into was a happy one. their house was small but it had a beautiful garden where christine could be found most afternoons. jack made enough money as a contractor that christine could stay at home with jonathan, which was almost a necessity because jonny was rambunctious and inquisitive. if he had a question that could not be answered, he would stop at nothing to figure it out, and christine soon discovered she could hardly leave him alone while she used the bathroom without coming back to her son climbing onto every surface and pulling everything out of the drawers and cupboards. maybe he was the definition of a brat but he also loved his parents very much and it was hard to be too angry at him when he said he was sorry with those big eyes.

1993 - 1998 from an early age, jonathan showed great intelligence but also great boredom, and a private, more challenging school just wasn't in the budget. they did their best to encourage jonathan to keep his grades up but grew to expect average report card scores. he was a student worthy of As but they had to constantly check to see that his homework was complete, sometimes finishing assignments as christine was running out the door to take him to school. his teachers often commented on his personality during parent-teacher nights - they noticed his desire to debate early on and challenge even the teachers on ideas that he felt were either not explained adequately or simply did not make sense. at his age, students were expected to simply learn and memorize, but jonny enjoyed arguing and didn't care if it was an adult who was supposed to know better than him. the morescos discovered the new obstacle of making sure jonny knew how to be inquisitive but also respectful.

once jonathan was old enough to be left alone for short periods of time, christine went back to work. jack was working more and more hours but hardly seemed to be making any more money and christine found another waitressing job to supplement the family's income. things were fine, jonathan had a few friends whose parents didn't mind taking him in on the evenings when christine picked up extra shifts, and despite his sometimes combative nature, parents seemed to enjoy this child who wasn't afraid to talk to adults and have opinions about the world around him. he had grown out of tearing apart everything in sight and even if getting him to do the dishes at home was a constant battle, he was a help at his friends' homes and was even getting better at turning in assignments, thus increasing his grades.

1999-2002 jonathan was supposed to be staying at a neighbor friend's house the night he found out his father was leaving. he ran home to get a video game and could hear the shouting indoors, and he didn't understand exactly what was going on or if he should go inside. soon his father came storming out the front door and the two came face to face. jonathan looked past his father to his mother who was still standing in the living room, arms folded, and when he asked her what was going on, christine replied, "your father is leaving us," and jack took off without another word. it had been a shock to jonny but christine was not as surprised, as her suspicions grew from the long hours and lack of intimacy in their marriage over the past year. jon's relationship with his father had never been as strong as his with his mother, and he was hurt and angry by jack's departure, a feeling he never got over.

for the next few years, jack would take jonny every other weekend and the trips were always awkward at best. the two didn't have a lot in common other than their looks, jonathan had always been the spitting image of his father, and it was even worse that jon had to spend time around jack's new girlfriend, patricia. he took it upon himself to be the man of the house and did his part in making sure his mom didn't have to do too many chores in addition to working even more hours to support herself as a single parent. the bond between mother and son grew stronger and it became clear that there was no longer a place for jack in jonathan's life, and by the time jon was 15, he stopped visiting altogether.

2003 - 2005 christine had been born and raised in montauk, long island to a small family and it was where her parents still resided. they owned and operated a pharmacy and general store, and while it couldn't compete with some of the large chains in prices, they had a long list of loyal customers and it was a fun place to stop and find gifts and trinkets made by local artisans. in the spring of '03, jonathan's grandfather became very ill and was no longer able to work at the store, and christine made the decision to move herself and jonathan to montauk, much to jonathan's dismay. he hadn't been extremely close to his grandparents, he only managed to see them once a year at most, but they always sent money or gifts for special occasions. however, he liked his life in pasadena and he had no desire to move to some place where he didn't know anyone. no matter how much he argued or attempted to reason with his mother, he still wound up in a u-haul, traveling east.

adjusting to life in montauk wasn't easy. jonathan made friends mostly from people who thought he must have been a socal surfer, something he didn't correct and in fact may have fueled by stretching the truth about growing up in california. he worked part-time at the pharmacy, which had been named christine's drugs after his mother when she was a little girl, and he tried to suck up his pity party a little bit in front of his mom and grandmother, especially as they dealt with the passing of his grandfather a year later. it was hard for jonathan being around so many people that his mother knew from years ago and yet feel like such a stranger, and it was even harder as his mother began dating. he took his self-appointed man of the house role seriously and had only two modes of dealing with boyfriends: ignore them completely, or be a menace until they're frightened away. it worked in a few cases, though tensions between jonathan and christine were at an all-time high with his refusal to trust any man she liked.

2006 - 2012 jonathan never really knew what he wanted to do with his life. he had many fleeting aspirations and often grew disinterested once he realized the amount of work involved. who knew that being an astronaut meant more than going to space camp, or that being a pirate was not actually a real job and was kind of illegal? he enrolled in community college and took classes in whatever seemed most relevant to what he wanted to pursue in life at the time, but his mother insisted he have a more solid plan before they spent money to move on to a better school. what he decided instead was to move to new york city on a whim and get his life together there. the idea of a starving artist was always romantic, or maybe he'd wind up on wall street, who knew where the wind would take him. despite all of her reservations, christine agreed to help him move, loaning him money to pay his deposit and rent while he was looking for a job.

new york city was everything and more. he even found himself a job through a temp agency at an office for $13 an hour, which was more money than he'd ever made in his life. even though he was occasionally flighty and could be a little mouthy with authority, his boss seemed to like him, and the temp job became permanent, giving a increase to $14 an hour. jon fancied himself street smart but he wasn't street smart enough to realize that it still wasn't enough money to afford his own place in nyc, but he leased a studio anyway. his time in the city was a learning experience, both good and bad, and although he learned a lot about himself during his stay, he also went flat broke and had to call his mom for help upon receiving an eviction notice, having already been living with no electricity for a few weeks. she didn't have the money to bail him out and even if she had, her decision to bring him back to montauk would have stood.

2013 - present one of the things jon had discovered while living in the city was that he might be gay. he had dated girls before but never felt that he was in love, which he chalked up to either his personality or the fact that it just wasn't the right girl, or both, and his distrust of men in romantic relationships had deterred him from ever really considering it before. but being of drinking age in a city where anything can happen led to a few curious nights and he wasn't sure what it meant other than he thought he really liked it. his mother was the one person he was always open with and yet he didn't feel it was something he could tell her. he knew she wouldn't disown him or anything like that, but he felt he was letting her down in a way. she was always suggesting her friends' daughters as potential dates and even though he always turned them down, he didn't want to take that away from her. she had so much taken from her already and he didn't want to change the image of him that she had in her mind.

however, being in his mid-20s and living at home with his mom and also working with his mom was becoming too much to admit to people, and maybe he didn't have his life together and maybe he screwed up pretty badly with his stint in nyc, but he needed something to call his own, somewhere to explore being whoever it was he was going to be. though his heart belonged in pasadena, the fall-out with his father left too many painful memories to consider moving there, but he really felt like he found himself while living in nyc. after many heart-to-hearts with his mom, one of which was his official coming out (as probably gay but he was still figuring it out), she agreed that he should move back to the city but this time with a better plan. her best friend had a son around jon's age who was in the city and would have a room available by the end of the summer, and the mothers agreed to set their boys up as roommates. jon found that he could tolerate anyone as a roommate so he wasn't too worried about who the other person was, unless they were a murderer and even then, at least their time together would always be interesting.

fast forward to one year later, present day, and jon and his roommate are the quintessential odd couple, mostly tolerating each other but living their own separate lives. antagonizing each other is what fuels them through the day but somehow they make it work. maybe they aren't the best friends that their mothers hoped for but hey, somehow they're still alive.
02. information

birth name jonathan michael moresco date of birth & age 11/21/87, 29 occupation freeloader, musician???, barista status whatever with whoever
astrological sign
pasadena, ca
les, ny


03. personality
overview jon doesn't always make a great first impression. he can come off as aloof and judgmental, and both are sometimes true, but there's an extraverted, outgoing side to him as well. he's creative and comes up with a lot of great ideas, but he's also lazy and easily bored. people wouldn't be wrong to not put their faith in him because his flakiness takes over more than any need to prove himself. where he shines is arguing and interrogation. he's not afraid to ask the nosy questions or debate something to death, which can be seen as intimidating and/or rude to some people, but in his own way, his intentions are usually good. he's honest and blunt and can make a joke out of any situation, using dark humor to deal with intense situations. when things make him feel too much, he mentally checks out, and would rather move on to a new subject than express his emotions.

people who know him well know better than to take anything he says to heart. jonathan never wants to hurt anyone or make people feel stupid (well, most of the time), he simply wants to challenge them. he doesn't understand sometimes that people think differently than him and may not want to argue everything. he sees debate as a positive thing, it's the sharing of ideas and an opportunity to change minds if they're uninformed. when you can get past it though, jon is actually an easygoing person with an active mind that needs frequent stimulution, like a border collie. he's friendlier than he seems and doesn't take pleasure from truly hurting anyone, he just likes to stir the pot and forgets that not everyone is like him.

intimacy is uncomfortable for jonathan. he has trouble opening up sometimes and it has prevented past relationships from developing further. with what are more or less unresolved daddy issues and having never been held accountable for his actions, jon prefers to choose flight in fight or flight romantic situations. commitment has never been his strong suit and he has always gotten out or let a relationship dissolve before it has an opportunity to grow. he isn't opposed to something long-term, he just doesn't see it happening for him and has done little on his part to change that. his deep-seated insecurities, distrust of people, and unique blend of optimism and cynicism are what drive him towards hook-ups versus relationships.

04. lines & ooc

darren criss • ~moresco • pst, ic & ooc friendly, 3rd person storybook, adult or ftb • contact post