christine The owner of Christine's Drugs since 2003 and its namesake since 1964. Christine has one philosophy: too many cooks spoil the broth. It's why this drugstore has been and will remain family owned and she was pleased to take over for her parents, the much loved Charles and Greta Fulbright. Stop by and say hello!
art As a long time family friend, when Art arrived in New Orleans after eight years in the Army, we were happy to have him join our staff. He's delighted to serve you, our guests, whether answering your questions or helping you out to the car with your bags. Don't hesitate to ask him about our selection of local candies, he's tried them all!
jon Raised in Pasadena, Jon began working at the shop when he and his mother Christine moved to New Orleans over ten years ago. He took a few years off to explore New York City but he's happy to be back at Christine's, serving our loyal guests. You can find him behind the register on most days!
dobby Dobby has been a staple of Christine's for seven years. He spends his days napping behind the counter, sniffing our assortment of potpourri, or greeting guests at the front door. Feel free to pet him at your leisure, it's his favorite!

christine's drugs